Saturday, February 25, 2017

Gibbons Zoo Day and Russia Day

We were a little behind on our planned home learning activities, so today we had Russia day and went to the zoo. Every time we go to the zoo I try to learn a lot about one of the animals, and we talk about it on the way. Today it was the gibbons. Fun facts: gibbons can reach nearly 30 miles per hour swinging from trees. They also have the longest arm span compared to their legs of any primate, with arms so large that they have to walk with them up when they are bipedal in order to keep their balance.

Afterwards we had our Russia night, making homemade beef stroganoff from scratch (more difficult than I thought it would be), and we watched Hunt for Red October.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Adam, Eve, and the Fall

Sunday Disclaimer

Our Sunday home learning is religion/morality oriented. As we are Mormon, the lessons will reflect a Mormon approach. Within Mormonism there is also room for theological variation, and what is taught here represents what we feel is true.

Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy. -2 Nephi 2:25


We don't know how much of this story happened and how much of it is literal. We do know that God used this story to tell us about how things are.

The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible, it tells us the creation story as understood by the ancient Hebrews. If you read it closely, there are multiple versions of the story in Genesis, so scholars think that there were various related stories that were combined together at some point long ago. This was their best effort at figuring out how the world was made. They didn't know about supernova or hydrogen atoms.

In one account in Gensis, the world before the creation was an ancient, dark, chaotic sea, without any organization. A lot of early ancient groups like the Mesopatamians and Norse thought that the early universe was a lot of chaotic material. While most Christians believe that the Creation began with the creation of matter, Joseph Smith revealed that the Christian of the world consisted of the organization of pre-existing matter that was floating around.

The ancient Hebrews, along with a lot of other people back then, thought that the world was a plate surrounded by a big world ocean, and that the disc was floating on a lot of other underground oceans. They also thought that the sky was a dome over that disc, that's why Genesis talks about the "firmament," when it mentions the sky, which means in place. If you read Genesis closely, you can see hints about what they thought the earth was like.

One of the first things God does in the creation in Genesis is creating light: he says "let there be light." Some people think that there was a double meaning here. God creates light, he also shines spiritual light and truth in the darkness.

After God created the world, he created the stars in the night sky in order to let the Hebrews know about dates and holidays. Back then you only knew dates from the stars, you knew that it was Christmas, for example (except they didn't have Christmas back then), when a certain star was in a certain place in the sky.

God also created the plants bearing seed after their own kind, and created animals who multiplied after their own kind. This is important, before then the world was lifeless, inert matter. God animates things and give them life. The ancient Hebrews (and others) attributed life to the "breath of life" that God gave things. God tells them to fill the earth; God wants there to be lots of fish in the sea and birds in the sky.

God created Adam. Adam means "all humans," but it's also a name. Sometimes in the Bible we don't know whether it is talking about a specific person or whether it is talking about all humans when it says "Adam," this is maybe one way that God is showing us that Adam represents all of us.

God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden. This was like our life with God before we came to this earth. Nobody was sick, and nobody was ever hurt. Nobody was ever unhappy because there was nothing there that made people unhappy. However, we can't really experience good things without bad things. If things were always good we wouldn't recognize that they were good. Also, we can't grow without difficult things happening.

Adam was in this place without any hurt or suffering, but God said that it was not good for a human to be alone, we need other people. Specifically, Adam, like us, needed a companion, not just a friend to spend time with, but his other half. God then created Eve, who was named Eve because Eve means "mother of all living," it was an important title because motherhood, the carrying, giving birth to, and raising of children is a holy position.

There were lots of different trees in the Garden of Eden, but two were very important: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam and Even that they could eat of any of the trees except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God told them that if they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they would be cast out of that perfect world, and would eventually die. Satan later came to Eve and told her that if she ate of the tree that she would be like God, knowing good and evil. This is something that makes us different from the animals and more like God, is that we do know about good and evil. She decided to take the step forward in her progression and ate of the fruit. She went to Adam and, since she ate of the fruit and was going to be cast out, and since he was commanded to have children with her, he ate of the fruit as well, they both agreed that it was better that they know the good from the evil and be able to grow.

They were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, and God put guards in front of the tree of life so that they couldn't eat of the fruit and become immortal while they were still sinful. A lot of other societies back then had stories about trees owned by Gods that would give people immortality. In this story, immortality is exchanged for wisdom and experience.

God told them that now they had to work the dirt as farmers, and could only eat if they worked for their food. This is a true today, as God expects us to work for our food and survival throughout our life.

In the book of Genesis there is a motif with dirt, a motif is a theme throughout the story. God tells Adam that he was formed from the dirt, and will return to the dirt after he dies, and has to work with the dirt to keep himself alive. Some scholars think that this is suggesting that Adam's mortal life is bound to the fallen world.

However, because they partook of the fruit, we are as the Gods, and know good and evil, and eventually we can repent and return into the presence of God, like Adam being able to return to the Garden of Eden. However, after we return we will become more like God because we were able to grow because we had to deal with bad things and suffering, and because we know the difference between good and evil. Eventually, through progression if we deal well with these things, we will become a God.

When Adam and Eve were thrown out, they were also able to have a little bit of divinity with them in their ability to create life. They (and us) are commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. The ability to create after himself and create forever is one of the reasons why God is God, and we have a part of that in our ability to create life here on earth.

Suggested Readings

For Mormons, the Two Trees by Mormon Scholar Valerie Hudson is a good LDS account of the Fall. Most scholarly Genesis commentaries point out the themes above.


I want to read more early Christian/philosophical/artistic commentary on the creation and fall. It's a very primal account so its themes show up throughout Western writings, even though not-insignificant differences between Mormon interpretations of the Fall and traditional Christian interpretation necessarily limits the amount I'll be able to get from it. For sure I want to read C.S. Lewis's space trilogy that addresses some of these themes.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Papua New Guinea Day

The Papua New Guinean national dish, mumu, is simple and economical to make. Most recipes call for slow cooking over a pit of coals, or at the very least the use of a Dutch oven in an electric oven. We used a slow cooker and it seemed to do the job. Very simple, I threw in a layer of spinach, a layer of sweet potatoes, a layer of chicken, a layer of pineapple, another layer of chicken, and a layer of spinach, onion, and garlic, all drowned in coconut milk (that last step is very important). The meat cooks in the fruit juice, coconut, and garlic/onions, giving it a sweet but subtle tang.

As the meat was cooking we watched the first part of Guns, Germs, and Steel, where Jared Diamond talks about the Papua New Guineans and the unparalleled human and natural diversity of the island. His books go much more in-depth and are required reading for adults (example, some languages in Papua New Guinea are as different from each other as Chinese is from English). On the way to the store to get ingredients I taught Simeon facts about Papua New Guinea so that he could give the lecture at the map. He loved being the expert.

The Mountains Call, and I Must Go: Bouldering

The university I work at has a rock climbing wall and bouldering area in the middle of campus that faculty, staff, and students can use, with free climbing gear rentals. They’re cool like that. Consequently, I’ve been intermittently taking advantage of the free rock climbing, and have progressed from a 5.8 to a 5.10. I wanted to introduce my kids to this world, but they still aren’t keen on heights, but they love clambering on trees and boulders in the local parks, so I thought bouldering would be perfect. We played around in their bouldering area before, but it’s hard to do that kind of thing with a crowd of rowdy kids (especially with anxious college students not wanting kids scrambling around underneath them while they’re climbing) so I took my wife with my this time to help out.

To prep the kids I told them about the bouldering ratings (V0 to V15), and how only a few people in the world can climbing V15s. Kids love the “only a few people in the world can do this” line, and it naturally piques their curiosity about what they’re capable of.

After about half an hour of bouldering we called it to make way for the patient college students. Later that night, we went to my office and watched on Youtube some of those “best climbers in the world” that I alluded to earlier in the day (both the world bouldering championships and Adam Ondra’s first ascent of La Dura Dura [5.15]), as of now the hardest wall in the world.


Since ropes wear out over time, if you’re going to invest in one there’s an obligation to use it frequently, and I just don’t think I’ll be able to get that kind of time for the next decade or two, so for now I think bouldering might be a good step to take with my kids, since all it takes is a crashpad, chalk bag, and pair of shoes. (And the crash pad can double as a very comfortable sleeping pad--free soloing legend Alex Honnold uses his this way in the van he lives out of).

In the future I’d love to do the vagabonding, camping/bouldering/mountain biking all day thing at Moab, Utah; Joshua Tree National Park, California; and Squamish, British Columbia. 


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Dressing for future success: Fashion and apparel

“Pure, intense emotions. It’s not about design. It’s about feelings.” — Alber Elb


How you dress, what clothes you wear, how you wear them, and how clean they are, affect how you look, and people treat you better if you look better. Looking good can also be like an artist making a pretty picture, and it can make life more pretty for yourself.

What exactly looks good depends changes from year to year. What looks good now is different than what looked good when mommy and daddy were your age. You should pay attention to what people around you are wearing because that helps you know what looks good right now. What looks good is influenced by what famous people wear, it’s also influenced by clothing artists who live in big cities, design clothes, and show off their clothes in shows.

However, no matter what looks good, you can always make sure that you have clean clothes when you’re going to be around people. Also, some colors go better with each other no matter what specific clothing you’re wearing. For example, there are warm colors like yellow, red, and orange, and cool colors like blue and purple; often a cool color and a warm color mixed together look good.

Image titled Coordinate Colors Step 1

White, black, and grey can go with either warm or cool colors, they are neutral colors. It’s often good to wear at least one neutral color so that people will focus on the other color better.  

Also try not to wear colors together that are on opposite sides of the color wheel. They will clash. If you do put them together, make one lighter than the other.

Colors right next to each other on the color wheel also work well together, since they are easy on the eyes.

Black doesn’t go with either blue or brown. Grey doesn’t go with brown. Brown often goes with the warmer colors to create an earth-toned look.

Try to pair light with dark things, don’t have an all-dark outfit or an all-light outfit.

Some sunday clothes have patterns like checkers or lines. If you are wearing two things with patterns, make sure the patterns aren’t the same size.

With Sunday clothes, always make sure they fit, if they’re too loose your clothes can look like you’re wearing a sheet. If they’re too tight they crunch up and tense up. They should be snug but comfortable.

When you’re older, how big your face is and other things about your body will help determine how big your lapels and other parts of your clothes should be.

Also, what looks good for Sunday clothes doesn’t change a lot. Many men wear suits and ties, a which is a coat with a matching pair of pants. Some men wear a tan pant call a khaki along with a shirt and tie. Sometimes they wear a pant and a coat that isn’t the same color, but they still match. More and more men are wearing coats without ties.  Generally the important aspects of Sunday clothes for men are: the belt, shoes, socks, pants, shirt, tie, handkerchief (optional), vest (optional), sweater (optional), overcoat (optional).

Regent Fit Windowpane 1818 Suit


Iron a shirt, polish shoes, go to a menswear place in the mall, watch a fashion show on Youtube. Critique their clothes (in a non-judgey, purely aesthetic way). Critique and discuss the outfits of other people. Let them pick out your clothes for the day. Emphasize their favorite colors.


When they are older go to a fashion show. Go shopping with them and help them pick out clothes.